Tips and Strategy For Dealing With Ups and Downs of Caribbean Stud
Caribbean Stud can be just like any other poker game out there. It has its ups and downs, and it can feature players winning five hands in a row, or players losing five hands in a row. Regardless of who you are, if you are the type of player who follows strategy and has a good sense of the game, you can do quite well playing this game. One thing that players need to be sure to know how to deal with is the ups and downs that you’ll run into. There are a few ways to do this, and we are going to give a few tips and suggestions on ways to not only deal with going on “tilt”, but also ways to keep that bankroll building!
Progressive Jackpot
The Progressive Jackpot is something that many players choose to play because of the big payouts that you can hit. The tough part about this is that you can go a long stretch without hitting anything on the bonus. It is tough to hit, but when you do it pays out very nicely. Some players actually use this in situations when they are down a bit or on a bad swing, in an attempt to try to hit a nice bonus to build back up their bankroll. This isn’t always recommended to do, but if you have the bankroll to be able to fund it, it is not a bad idea to give it a shot.
Raising and Lowering Bet Sizing
This is important in Caribbean Stud. It is similar to playing any other table game like Blackjack, and you should definitely raise your bets if you are running hot, and lower your bets if you start to hit a down swing. Many players will set a number that they will play to before they raise up their bet, and they will typically double their bet from that point. It is VERY important though to realize that you may need to lower that bet back down if you lose a few hands in a row. This is a great way to be able to potentially not only ride out your hot streak, but also to build up your bankroll as well.
Bankroll Management
In a way, this will tie in with the topic above, but bankroll management is crucial in Caribbean Stud. Just like in any type of gambling like poker, casino play, or even sports betting, you always need to have good bankroll management. If you find yourself playing at a table with a higher limit, but find yourself on a bad run, then it is probably the right time to head to the lower limit tables, or simply take a break all together before getting back into the action. Taking breaks and getting away from the tables are a type of bankroll management that many players forget, and it’s a very important thing to remember to do! Caribbean Stud can be an incredibly fun game, but just always be sure to have a plan to manage that bankroll.